Embodied Transpersonal Journey
12 to 17 September 2025
Sicily, Italy
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
C.G. Jung
Welcome to The World of Archetypes
A magical realm full of characters that populate dreams and legends. A place rife with mysterious messages and oracles. Above all, a place that you visit, unknowingly, every day and night of your life.
Every masterful work of art, every far-reaching idea, every passion that goes beyond our limited life span, drinks from that world.
Archetype: from Arkhè (origin, beginning) and Typos (form, pattern). Our myriad experiences, thoughts, and feelings follow specific patterns universal to every human being. We are not as different as we thought.
C.G. Jung was the first to posit the existence of archetypes and present his conclusions to Western, “scientific” psychology.
His understanding of the transpersonal realm and the collective unconscious ushered in an era of studies of a dimension of our psyche that was relegated to mysticism and folklore: our collective unconscious, the land of myths and fables, legends and deities.
Beyond Personality
To access the transpersonal, we need to travel beyond. Beyond our personality, beyond our striving for self-improvement, beyond our opinions, beyond our likes and dislikes. But when we go beyond, we don’t ignore the portal we are passing through: we acknowledge it and include it.
Our personality, individuality, and unique story are the threshold to the transpersonal. Our individuality can become a portal into the beyond and a gateway to returning from the journey. When we integrate the “here and now” with the “beyond,” we gain access to a fuller understanding of life.
There’s a whisper that prompts us to explore beyond our individuality, beyond the ordinary. We hear this whisper in moments of ecstasy or agony, after great failure or successes. It’s a wise, ancient voice, one that tells us that “there is more to life than this.” It’s the voice of the collective unconscious, whispering to us in an arcane tongue.
An Embodied Journey
In an increasingly dualistic culture, where it sometimes sounds like we can solve everything by thinking about it, the call to embodied explorations is not a luxury; it is a necessity.
We can’t rationalize the transpersonal; we need to leap into it. We need shamanic, ritual containers where we can embody archetypes. We need to let those archetypes move and speak to us, let them guide us into interactions and explorations.
This is why we invite you to Arkhé: an embodied portal to the transpersonal.
Imagine co-creating rituals that support us in crossing the liminal threshold between the ordinary and the archetypal world.
Imagine entering a portal where our connections and interactions are sourced in the transpersonal.
Why Should I Care?
Archetypes influence our psyche, whether we are aware of it or not. Archetypal stories and dramas move our actions, behaviors, and emotions.
Archetypes are as real and consequential as our thoughts, feelings, desires, and impulses. We swim in a psycho-spiritual ocean of archetypal energies.
Because of archetypes, we see or don’t see, understand or don’t understand, do or don’t do.
In other words, archetypes shape our destiny.
Is this for me?
Arkhé is targeted at those who have heard the call of the transpersonal and want to travel through it in an embodied way.
As a minimum requirement, you have completed ISTA Level 1. Similar trainings that offer a solid, embodied understanding of boundaries, emotional processing, and a holistic understanding of oneself and others will be considered as a possible valid requirement.
If you feel the call, please fill in the application form. We will help you determine whether this offering is right for you. There is no rush.
Transcend, Transform, Transfigure
What will we be doing at Arkhè?
Work, play, ceremony, co-creation, and free flow.
Temple nights, oracles, Soul work, and embodied Jungian studies.
Transpersonal landscapes, myths, and legends. Gods and Goddesses, transfiguration, Soul shine, land journeys.
All of this is part of Arkhè.
Above all, we will listen to the pulsating mystery at the Core of our group being.
Join the Maiden Voyage
While Arkhè has gestated in our minds and hearts for years, the September 2024 edition is its first actual manifestation.
We envision a group of 24 to 34 beings willing to step into a container in formation, and be a part of this living process.
In return, we offer a special discounted Pioneer rate and access to the Pioneers Circle. Upon submitting your application, you might be invited to a video interview with Raffaello to make sure this journey is a match for you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.
William James
An Immersive Experience
The first edition of Arkhè will be held in Sicily, on the slopes of the Etna volcano. Sicily is the largest and most populous island in the Mediterranean sea, and a crossroad of civilizations from time immemorial. Neolithic inhabitants, Phenicians, Arabs, Greeks, Ostrogoths, Normans, Romans, Italians, Spaniards… All of these and more have left their traces and sprinkled the island with temples to their Gods and Goddesses.
Below its land, fire runs in the veins of its active volcanoes, thought to be a doorway to the Underworld. Today, Sicily is a land of myth, warm culture, delicious food, and vibrant Nature. It is also an affordable and well-connected international destination that we recommend you explore for a few days before or after Arkhè.
Our venue is ideally located on the northern slope of the Etna Volcano, enjoying a mild climate all year round. The soil we will be stepping on is black volcanic lava, highly fertile and still vibrating with the power of ancient eruptions. Besides being our daily and nightly temple space, our venue will serve as a base camp for land journeys and explorations into the inspiring surroundings, which are rich with historical and archetypal significance.
Arkhè is an immersive experience; accommodation, food, and everything you need will be provided on-site. Upon registration, you will receive a welcome letter with suggestions on what to bring.
Regular (shared accommodation) | 18 available | 1470 EUR |
Tent / Camper | 5 available | 1270 EUR |
Private Ensuite | 4 available | 1825 EUR |
Ready to Sign Up?
Please write to gaiaerostemple@gmail.com for any questions. If you are ready to sign up, click the link below!